Ini penelusuran tentang dugaan permainan politik dalam pemilihan caleg di Pemilu 2019.
Kami dapatkan pengakuan eksklusif dari mereka yang main-main dengan suara rakyat. Seorang "bohir" alias pemodal yang mengaku memodali caleg untuk maju. Targetnya bila si caleg menang, "bohir" leluasa mengendalikan caleg untuk berbagai kepentingan. Termasuk proyek-proyek untuk mengembalikan modal nyaleg.
Ada juga pengakuan seorang caleg yang maju pemilu bukan untuk menang. Ia diperintah partai maju sebagai strategi permainan suara di saat-saat terakhir pemilu.
Seperti apa permainan kotor politik mereka yang katanya calon wakil rakyat ini? Simak video berikut.
2019 General Election has been suspected to have involved political intrigues. Team received exclusive confessions from those individuals who were playing with votes. These legislative candidates were lent with some money by widely known as “Bohir Politik” or “political loan sharks”. If the candidate wins, then there will be compensations to give in return, such as direct government projects without any bidding process.
Another confession told by a candidate who ran his campaign not to win for himself. He was only being obedient to the party and being strategically used to earn votes from the public.
You will discover a deeper understanding of so-called “dirty” political intrigues here in the video.